PinnedPublished inThe EstablishmentBargaining With My Birth ControlMany doctors are denying birth control to those who won’t take cervical screenings — even though it’s not medically necessary.Apr 18, 2018Apr 18, 2018
Published inMind Cafe3 Highly Common Traits of Shopping AddictionWhen the growing pile of Amazon boxes stops being relatable and starts indicating a problem.Jan 12, 2021Jan 12, 2021
Published inMind CafeTo Improve Your Cognitive Health, Try Taking A SeatFinally, research has discovered the healthy side of being sedentary.Dec 9, 2020Dec 9, 2020
Extravagant Blogging Wealth Stories Ruin New WritersThese Medium writers fight back with realistic blogging expectations.Oct 27, 2020Oct 27, 2020
Published inThe Writing CooperativeAlways Check This Clause in Your Freelance Writing ContractsLeft unnegotiated, kill fees can dig a freelancer’s graveOct 24, 20202Oct 24, 20202
Published inBetter MarketingDid MTV Lower the U.S. Teen Birth Rate?MTV’s marketing campaign would say… yes.Oct 21, 2020Oct 21, 2020
Published inIn Fitness And In Health5 Science-Backed Ways Sunflowers Can Make You HealthierSunflowers aren’t just for brightening up your Instagram. This radiant flower has long been used worldwide for its varied healing benefits…Oct 6, 20202Oct 6, 20202
Published inCuriousHow Ancient Vampires Explored the Fear of Female SexualityA look at how vampires have sunk their fangs into the vein of human sensuality since before written record.Oct 1, 2020Oct 1, 2020
Where the Lightning Bugs SynchronizeFor two weeks out of the year, lightning bugs in the Smoky Mountains transform from random twinkling lights to a single, pulsing…Apr 18, 2019Apr 18, 2019
Published inThe Belladonna ComedyMueller and Poirot Partner to Solve the Case of the Russian CollusionRobert Mueller requests the aid of the stout, mustached Belgian detective (just in case he gets fired/jailed/murdered, etc.)Feb 20, 20181Feb 20, 20181